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Day 11 of Falloween: Fall Treats!

I'm a sucker for treats, but I also try to enjoy them in moderation! Here are two of my favorite treats to splurge on, and two treats that are low-carb and Keto friendly, but still so yummy!

Sugar cookies are the BEST! Put super cute Halloween decorations on them and it makes them even better, hands down! However, the royal icing is literally pure sugar, so I only try to enjoy one (maybe two) of these bad boys!

Was literally about to eat it, but had to snap a pic!

Red Velvet is the Cake Flavor of Fall (carrot cake comes in a close second for me!) I could eat an entire cake by myself, I swear, but I settle for a smaller cupcake (portion totally matters). Red Velvet is also Steven's FAVE, so if and when we treat ourselves, it is usually something red velvet (ever had red velvet cream cheese? Ask me later!)

Nothing beats a warm brownie coming out of the oven, but trying to tone up definitely doesn't come with brownies.


This brownie mix is low carb, gluten-free and Keto friendly. (Pssst. It tastes just like a normal brownie!!)

We get this mix from Amazon, but there are endless mixes that are there for Keto Dieters!

Lastly, I found this recipe for Keto Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies that I am dying to try! Here's the link, they look absolutely delicious!

See you for Day 12, my sweeties!

Love and Magnolias,


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