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Day 4 of Falloween: Skin "Scare": The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Honestly, Apple Cider Vinegar has changed my skin for the better!

Every day, I take an Apple Cider Vinegar pill (DM and I'll send you the link). It gives me energy, and starts my day off right.

I also used to sip on ACV during musicals in high school to get my vocal cords active (something in it kept our voices sounding GREAT!)

However, my favorite thing to use ACV for is a spot treatment! If I ever feel a bump coming, I simply take a Q-tip and spot some ACV on there! I would advise you all to dilute it with water the first few times before you put it straight on your skin. I feel like the apple cider vinegar "sucks" the pimple away! It also doesn't leave a dry patch that you want to itch all day. I hope you all give ACV a chance and I hope it changes your skin like it has mine!

See you tomorrow for Day 5, my good little apples!

Love and Magnolias,


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