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Motivation Monday

Here lately, I've been swamped with work from senior year, house work, and life in general. Like most of us, I'm a "go, go, go" type of person, but I definitely have been in a funk lately. I know all of us can get in a funk like that, so I just wanted to drop some tips to take advantage of all of your days!

1. Have an ACTUAL meal. Listen, if I could eat ramen everyday, I would. However, we have to fuel our bodies for good. Wake up and eat a good breakfast, look forward to your lunch, and enjoy your dinner! I'm not a huge breakfast person, but this morning I had yogurt with bananas, almond butter, and a sprinkle of granola with frozen peach water. It was a perfect way to wake me up and get me ready for the day!

2. Change your mindset! If you wake up and think Monday will be bad, it will be! Take it from me, I can a mountain out of a molehill, but once you enjoy the little things of your day, I can assure you it will be a great one!

3. Workout! I am no fitness guru by any stretch of the imagination, but I do try to be active! Even if it is just walking on a treadmill to get your body moving, it makes a difference in your day! I watch Sex and the City reruns while I do yoga (two birds, one stone, right?)

4. Hydrate. Okay, literally that's all I'm gonna say on this one. You just have to do it.

5. Lastly, make a routine for yourself! The first thing I do in the morning is my skincare routine, then eat breakfast, try to be a little active, and get my day going! Starting a habit like this can keep you in that positive mindset.

I know you see the Insta girls preach motivation all the time, but sometimes it is easy for us to forget that we have to have that motivation! There is nothing wrong with REST, though. Get in the bed and watch your favorite show! I hope this quick read made your think about your motivation this Monday!

Love and Magnolias,


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